شبكة و منتديات العرب المسافرون

شبكة و منتديات العرب المسافرون (https://www.arabtrvl.com/vb/)
-   فيزا بريطانيا (https://www.arabtrvl.com/vb/f34.html)
-   -   تجاربكم في الحصول على فيزا بريطانيا خلال الشهر الماضي والشهر الحالي (https://www.arabtrvl.com/vb/t19820.html)

lamya36 07-08-2016 10:32 AM

تم الإستلام ، تاريخ التقديم 19- 7،موفقين اجمعين:e510::58:

اخو العيال 08-08-2016 11:44 AM

قدمت في ٢ سبتمبر
بعده بيوم جاتني رساله عالجوال والايميل
اليوم وصلت على ايميلي رساله مافهمت

Dear Customer,


This email is to notify you that your UK visa application is now being prepared for assessment by an Entry Clearance Officer.

Our published service standards say that we will process all non-settlement applications within 15 working days and all settlement applications within 60 working days from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

If you have purchased the Priority service then we aim to process these within 5 working days for Priority non-settlement applications, and 15 working days for Priority settlement applications from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

We are currently meeting our service standards and there are no forecasted delays to our service.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you do not book a flight to the UK until your visa application has been approved and you have collected your passport. We do not accept responsibility for any financial loss incurred as a result of delays in processing applications and we will not fast-track applications solely because of travel plans.

Once a decision has been made on your application we will email you to let you know. You will then be contacted by the Visa Application Centre with instructions on how to collect your documents. Please do not go to the Visa Application Centre before they have contacted you.

In some circumstances, applications require further assessment which can take longer than our published customer service standards. If your application is going to take longer than expected we will let you know.

We would be grateful if you could keep your correspondence to a minimum during the consideration process. If you need to contact us or would like to track the progress of your application, you can do so via our International Enquiry Service at www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk
Kind regards,

UK Visas and Immigration
British Embassy

This is an automated message - do not respond to this email address as incoming mail is not answered. If you need to reply telephone the office dealing with your application, quoting your reference number.

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The FCO keeps and uses information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal information may be released to other UK government departments and public authorities.
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احد يساعدني ياخوان متى استلم

الله يهونها 08-08-2016 01:45 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اخو العيال (المشاركة 259050)
قدمت في 2 سبتمبر
بعده بيوم جاتني رساله عالجوال والايميل
اليوم وصلت على ايميلي رساله مافهمت

Dear Customer,


This email is to notify you that your UK visa application is now being prepared for assessment by an Entry Clearance Officer.

Our published service standards say that we will process all non-settlement applications within 15 working days and all settlement applications within 60 working days from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

If you have purchased the Priority service then we aim to process these within 5 working days for Priority non-settlement applications, and 15 working days for Priority settlement applications from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

We are currently meeting our service standards and there are no forecasted delays to our service.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you do not book a flight to the UK until your visa application has been approved and you have collected your passport. We do not accept responsibility for any financial loss incurred as a result of delays in processing applications and we will not fast-track applications solely because of travel plans.

Once a decision has been made on your application we will email you to let you know. You will then be contacted by the Visa Application Centre with instructions on how to collect your documents. Please do not go to the Visa Application Centre before they have contacted you.

In some circumstances, applications require further assessment which can take longer than our published customer service standards. If your application is going to take longer than expected we will let you know.

We would be grateful if you could keep your correspondence to a minimum during the consideration process. If you need to contact us or would like to track the progress of your application, you can do so via our International Enquiry Service at www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk
Kind regards,

UK Visas and Immigration
British Embassy

This is an automated message - do not respond to this email address as incoming mail is not answered. If you need to reply telephone the office dealing with your application, quoting your reference number.

************************************************** *********************************
Visit http://www.gov.uk/fco for British foreign policy news and travel advice and Foreign Office Blogs – A unique insight into UK foreign policy to read our blogs.

This email (with any attachments) is intended for the attention of the addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender straight away before deleting the message without copying, distributing or disclosing its contents to any other person or organisation. Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted.
Any views or opinions expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect the FCO's policy.
The FCO keeps and uses information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal information may be released to other UK government departments and public authorities.
All messages sent and received by members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and its missions overseas may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in accordance with the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000.
************************************************** *********************************

احد يساعدني ياخوان متى استلم

معناها بدؤا إجراءات الفيزا في الرياض ولسه راح ياخدوا قرار بالموافقة
تقديمك عادي ولا مستعجل؟؟؟

اخو العيال 08-08-2016 07:09 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الله يهونها (المشاركة 259082)
معناها بدؤا إجراءات الفيزا في الرياض ولسه راح ياخدوا قرار بالموافقة
تقديمك عادي ولا مستعجل؟؟؟

عادي مو مستعجل

بدون في اي بي كمان

Nano 08-08-2016 07:57 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اخو العيال (المشاركة 259159)
عادي مو مستعجل

بدون في اي بي كمان

بما انه عادي واعتقادي انك تقصد تقديمك كان يوم اغسطس ،،
فاجمع 21 يوم على يوم تقديمك
يطلع لك يوم الاستلام
شوف الموضوع هذا


Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

سندس 08-08-2016 08:04 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اخو العيال (المشاركة 259050)
قدمت في ٢ سبتمبر
بعده بيوم جاتني رساله عالجوال والايميل
اليوم وصلت على ايميلي رساله مافهمت

Dear Customer,


This email is to notify you that your UK visa application is now being prepared for assessment by an Entry Clearance Officer.

Our published service standards say that we will process all non-settlement applications within 15 working days and all settlement applications within 60 working days from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

If you have purchased the Priority service then we aim to process these within 5 working days for Priority non-settlement applications, and 15 working days for Priority settlement applications from the date of submission of your application at the visa application centre.

We are currently meeting our service standards and there are no forecasted delays to our service.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you do not book a flight to the UK until your visa application has been approved and you have collected your passport. We do not accept responsibility for any financial loss incurred as a result of delays in processing applications and we will not fast-track applications solely because of travel plans.

Once a decision has been made on your application we will email you to let you know. You will then be contacted by the Visa Application Centre with instructions on how to collect your documents. Please do not go to the Visa Application Centre before they have contacted you.

In some circumstances, applications require further assessment which can take longer than our published customer service standards. If your application is going to take longer than expected we will let you know.

We would be grateful if you could keep your correspondence to a minimum during the consideration process. If you need to contact us or would like to track the progress of your application, you can do so via our International Enquiry Service at www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk
Kind regards,

UK Visas and Immigration
British Embassy

This is an automated message - do not respond to this email address as incoming mail is not answered. If you need to reply telephone the office dealing with your application, quoting your reference number.

************************************************** *********************************
Visit http://www.gov.uk/fco for British foreign policy news and travel advice and Foreign Office Blogs – A unique insight into UK foreign policy to read our blogs.

This email (with any attachments) is intended for the attention of the addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient, please inform the sender straight away before deleting the message without copying, distributing or disclosing its contents to any other person or organisation. Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted.
Any views or opinions expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect the FCO's policy.
The FCO keeps and uses information in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. Personal information may be released to other UK government departments and public authorities.
All messages sent and received by members of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office and its missions overseas may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded in accordance with the Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications) Regulations 2000.
************************************************** *********************************

احد يساعدني ياخوان متى استلم

ريلكس ريلكس اخوالعيال
اولا انت الظاهر مقدم يوم الثلاثاء 2 اغسطس ومو 2 سبتمبر
ثانيا اليوم وصلك ايميل الموافقة والف مبروك مقدما.
ثالثا والمتوقع وليس الاكيد انك راح تستلم باذن الله الاحد او الاثنين القادم...

اخو العيال 08-08-2016 11:48 PM

يبارك فيكم ويطمنكم وابقول لكم اول ما استلمها شكرا

Ano_sh 09-08-2016 08:51 AM

قدمت فيزا بتاريخ 2 اوغست جدة
وشايله هم ماتطلع
علما ان رحلتي 25 اوغست استعجلت وحجزتها !!
احد يفيديني ياخوان يمديها تطلع؟
اول ايميل جاني منهم باستلامها بفرع الرياض تاريخ 8 اوغست!!

Om Saad 09-08-2016 08:55 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lamya36 (المشاركة 258652)
تم الإستلام ، تاريخ التقديم 19- 7،موفقين اجمعين:e510::58:

ماشاء الله مبروك ورحلة سعيدة اختي الله يعافيك هل كان تقديمك عادي ولا مستعجل؟

lamya36 09-08-2016 09:00 AM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة Om Saad (المشاركة 259346)
ماشاء الله مبروك ورحلة سعيدة اختي الله يعافيك هل كان تقديمك عادي ولا مستعجل؟

الله يبارك فيك
عقبال عنـدك ..
كان تقديمي في اي بي ، بس ماكـان مستعجل ..
و تقديمي 19 - 7 ، انتهت في 4-8 ،وإستلمت في 8-7 ، * تاخرت بالإستلام ، لان جتني رساله الانتهاء خميس، ف خفت اروح وما القاها ، وانتظرت للاحد وأستلمت * ...

الساعة الآن 02:30 PM

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