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قديم 27-08-2017, 11:39 AM   #1

مسافر جديد

تاريخ التسجيل :  Aug 2017
رقم العضوية : 16210
الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات : 55

افتراضي ابي تفسير لورقه الرفض

السلام عليكم

تم رفضي للفيزا البريطانيه اليوم مدري ليه بس تقريبا عشان امور ماديه بس ابي من اخوي اخر لحظه والشباب جزاهم الله خير يفهموني وش اسباب الرفض ويقولون لي نصايحهم

1- you state you intend to travel to the uk for one month

2- the immigration rules require me to be satisfied about your intentions to travel to the uk , i most take into consideration your own person circumstances and it your responsibility to ensure you
submit supporting documents .your economic circumstances are also relevant your application

3-you have provided an employment letter from hussen trading state you moth salary (25000 SR)the person bank statement you have submitted from Alinma Bank in yout name for the period 2/1/2017 -15/8/2017 shows a closing balance of 48000 SR

4- whilst your employment letter state you are paid in cash and i allow 7 month salary i note that there are unexplained extra deposits on your bank statement totaling 317900 SR on your statement this equates to over 12 times your monthly salary . you state on your application that you do not have any saving or other income

5-you have not explained the origin of these funds . Because of this your bank statement does not demonstrate that your economic circumstances in KSA are as you claim and that you are genuine visitor who well comply with all of the conditions attached to any leave to enter

6-i have to consider whether your proposed expenditure on your trip is proportionate to your circumstances here however of your application from when ask what is the personal cost to you of this trip you have responded with (my self) in view of this response i have been unable to determine whether your level of expenditure for the sole purpose of a holiday is reasonable , credible or proportionate to your true economic circumstances

7-given the above i am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor or that you plane to leave the uk at the end your visit your application is refused under paragraph v4.2 (a) and (c

هذه هي اسباب الرفض الله يرضي عليكم بس قولوا لي اقتراحتكم وش اسوي المره الجايه ومتى اقدم عشان اتوقع اني ان شاء الله احاول احلها


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