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عدد المعجبين9الاعجاب
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  • 2 اضيفت بواسطة Abu Muataz
  • 2 اضيفت بواسطة ala3laba
  • 2 اضيفت بواسطة Abu Muataz
  • 2 اضيفت بواسطة ala3laba
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قديم 02-03-2022, 12:41 PM   #1

مسافر جديد

تاريخ التسجيل :  Mar 2021
رقم العضوية : 44690
الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات : 60

افتراضي طلب تأشيرة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله.
اليوم وصلتني هذي الرسالة من مركز الطلبات للتاشيرة، لا اعلم هل تمت الموافقة على ام لا؟
هل ممكن شخص يخبرني ماذا يحدث، وشكرا جزيلا.

النص الي وصلني....

Dear Customer,


Your UK visa application is currently under consideration at the British Embassy Abu Dhabi.

Unfortunately the processing of your application has not been straightforward. This means that we will be unable to make a decision within our published customer service standards.

We will notify you when your application has been concluded, and you will be contacted by the Visa Application Centre when your documents are ready for collection. Please do not go to the Visa Application Centre before they have contacted you.

Please avoid making travel arrangements until you have collected your passport.

We would be grateful if you could keep your correspondence to a minimum during the consideration process. If however you need to contact us or would like to track the progress of your application, you can do so via our International Enquiry Service at: www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk.

Important note: If you have purchased the ‘Keep My Passport When Applying’ service, please ignore this email. You will shortly receive separate instructions on re-submitting your passport.

Please be aware that due to extremely high demand, standard UK visitor visas are taking significantly longer than usual to be processed by UK Visas and Immigration, you should bear this in mind when making any bookings. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience to all affected customers and we are working to process all applications as soon as possible. You will be contacted by the Visa Application Centre when your passport is ready for collection. Please do not attend the Visa Application Centre until you have been invited to do so.

Kind regards,

UK Visas & Immigration
British Embassy Abu Dhabi


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