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العودة   شبكة و منتديات العرب المسافرون > العرب المسافرون ( بوابة التاشيرات ) > فيزا بريطانيا

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قديم 26-04-2015, 07:47 PM   #1

مسافر جديد

تاريخ التسجيل :  Apr 2015
رقم العضوية : 3220
الجنس : انثى
المشاركات : 3

افتراضي وصلني ايميل بعد ماقدمت اوراقي للسفارة غير مفهوم بالنسبة لي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

الثلاثاء 21 ابريل قدمت على الفيزا ورحت مكتب التأششيرات وبصمت وكل حاجه من بكرة الصباح وصلني ايميل من السفارة انهم استلموا جوازي لكن فيه نقطة مافهمتها اذا اعرف ياليت يفيدني هذا محتوى الرساله واللي باللون الاحمر هو اللي مافهمته

Dear Customer,


This email is to notify you that your UK visa application has been received at the British High Commission/Embassy Riyadh and will now be prepared for assessment by an Entry Clearance Officer.

Our published service standards say that we will process all non-settlement applications within 15 working
days and all settlement applications within 60 working days. We are currently meeting our service standards and there are no forecasted delays to our service.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you do not book a flight to the UK until your visa application has been approved and you have collected your passport. We do not accept responsibility for any financial loss incurred as a result of delays in processing applications and we will not fast-track applications solely because of travel plans.

Once a decision has been made on your application we will email you to let you know. You will then be contacted by the Visa Application Centre with instructions on how to collect your documents. Please do not go to the Visa Application Centre before they have contacted you.

In some circumstances, applications require further assessment which can take longer than our published customer service standards. If your application is going to take longer than expected we will let you know.

We would be grateful if you could keep your correspondence to a minimum during the consideration process. If you need to contact us or would like to track the progress of your application, you can do so via our International Enquiry Service at www.gov.uk/contact-ukvi-outside-uk

Kind regards,

UK Visas and Immigration
British Embassy

كيف يعني هل الفيزا راح تتأخر ؟ او هو ايميل عادي ينرسل للكل ؟ ارجو المساعدة


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